Tag Archives: Christian comedy

It Really Does Matter Who’s At the Wheel

It’s a Friday, but some of you need a smile. I can see your faces.

About the video: This was the second video in a long series I did with a puppet named Buddy (a.k.a., Mr. Monkey). Seven years ago it took me 2 hours to film it (on my iPhone 4s), then more to edit it. On top of that, I convinced a former American Idol contestant to sing the reworked lyrics as I played the guitar. My only regret is that I didn’t make it a little longer šŸ™‚

One of the greatest country songs to come out of Nashville in the last, oh, 20 years was Jesus Take the Wheel. This video is not meant to make fun of that song, but pay tribute to it while makingĀ fun of Monday-morning drivers.

However, it should also remind us that it really does matter Who’s at the wheel.

“There’s a Monkey at the Wheel”


Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey Re-Run

It’s a Monday and some of you need a smile. It’s been a while since this was last posted (3 years, actually), but it’s worthy of a re-run.

One of the greatest country songs to come out of Nashville in the last, oh, 20 years was Jesus Take the Wheel.

This video is not meant to make fun of that song, so I hope Carrie Underwood doesn’t hate me when she sees this (But I hope she does see this).

This episode/edition of “Monday Monkey” pays tribute to Jesus Take the Wheel, while at the same time making fun of Monday-morning drivers. It was only the second video I’d ever made with the monkey, but it remains my favorite – I just wish it’d been longer.

“There’s a Monkey at the Wheel”

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Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey Re-Run

It’s a Monday and some of you need a smile. It’s been a while since this was last posted, but it’s worthy of a re-run.

One of the greatest country songs to come out of Nashville in the last, oh, 20 years was Jesus Take the Wheel.

This video is not meant to make fun of that song, so I hope Carrie Underwood doesn’t hate me when she sees this (I hope she see this).

This episode/edition of “Monday Monkey” pays tribute to Jesus Take the Wheel, while at the same time making fun of Monday-morning drivers.

“There’s a Monkey at the Wheel”

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Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey Gaga (Episode 10)

One would think that my first post of the year would be something serious and profound – oh, well. I can’t help it that it’s Monday.

In this episode, we see Mr. Monkey overdoing it with the non-alcoholic sparkling pear juice (it was nasty!). Don’t hold it against him, though. It was all the store had on the shelf. The apple cider was all sold out.

But just in case you missed it, Matthew 6:33 gets referenced in the end of the video. Why? Because this year let’s not be so focused on getting ahead, winning elections, or making the grade. This year let’s put God first in all we do. This year let’s seek His kingdom and His righteous first.


Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey Decorates the Tree (Episode 6)

We just got our Christmas (not holiday) tree, but haven’t decorated it. That will happen sometime today or tomorrow. It’s not something I look forward to, except for the eggnog.

However, while we were out to church, Mr. Monkey decided to decorate the tree all by himself. Bad idea.

You see, just because he is a monkey, he thinks that climbing a tree is no big deal. What he doesn’t take into consideration is the fact that climbing a tree and decorating it with electric lights is complicated. He should have just waited until he could have help.

Sadly, it’s pretty common for people to think they can handle things alone. Their pride makes them think that they are strong enough, smart enough, independent enough, and perfectly capable of anything, even when they’re weak, hurting, and needy. Pride will lead to a fall.

Mr. Monkey’s Bad Idea

And for the record, it takes help to make these little videos. I can’t do them alone. So, a big thanks goes out to Kevin Miller, my old friend, for giving me a hand this time around.


Filed under Christian Maturity, Christmas, Humor, Life Lessons, Monday Monkey

Monday Rain (Episode 5)

Rain and Mondays go hand in hand (or is that drop in hand?). And since it is raining here, as Ray Charles might say, “I think it’s rainin’ all over the world.”

If it is raining where you are, don’t waste the opportunity. For instance…

– When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

– When life gives you oranges, you make orange juice.

– When life gives you weird relatives, you either pretend they don’t exist and return their party invitations, or make funny videos of them for TV. Make the most of what you have, people!

When a little rain doth fall, go out and sing in it!

Just make sure you do it in the back yard if you have a monkey puppet in a rain coat on your hand.

Monkey In the Rain


Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey is Thankful (Episode 4)

We, Mr. Monkey and I, wish you a happy Thanksgiving holiday. Of course, if you are from another country, then have Turkey and dressing, anyway.

I am looking forward to spending some leisurely time with my family doing absolutely nothing for a few days…RIIIIIIIGGHHHT!

I wish we could go to Hawaii or Disney World for this holiday, but it looks like it’ll be good-ole Tennessee turkey, instead. Maybe next year.

Enjoy this episode, if not for the humor, then for the excellent soundtrack!

Monday Monkey is Thankful

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Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey, Thanksgiving

Monday Monkey – “Something Really Funny!” (Episode 3)

Good Monday to ya!

As you start off another work week, enjoy this little video of Mr. Monkey. Maybe his sense of humor will beĀ contagious.

“Something Really Funny!”


Filed under Apologetics, Humor, Monday Monkey

Monday Monkey – “At the Wheel” (Episode 2)

One of the greatest country songs to come out of Nashville in the last, oh, 20 years was Jesus Take the Wheel.

This video is not meant to make fun of that song, so I hope Carrie Underwood doesn’t hate me when she sees this (I hope she see this).

This episode/edition of “Monday Monkey” pays tribute to Jesus Take the Wheel, while at the same time making fun of Monday-morning drivers.

“There’s a Monkey at the Wheel”

And before I forget, thanks to:

  1. Lauren Huckabee, for doing the vocals (she actually has an American Idol story). Great job!
  2. Scott, for the use of his Isuzu (that’s what the monkey drove to run me off the road).
  3. My daughter, Katie, for putting up with me and doing all the filming (with the iPhone 4).
  4. My wife, for not reminding me how much time it took to make a 59 second video.
  5. Jesus, for taking the wheel.


Filed under Humor, Monday Monkey