Mr. Monkey Makes a Guest Appearance!

I haven’t been riding very much. Most everything I do is either video or just working my day-to-day job. Yet, if I chose to write about anything, there is certainly no shortage of topics to cover.

But today, I’m just gonna share another video with you. One that I made last night with an old friend of this blog, Mr. Monkey.

As you watch this video, which I hope you will do, know that I pray everyone as well.

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Filed under watches

Steve Harvey Isn’t Mr. Wholesome

Are you a fan of the gameshow Family Feud? Sure, there may be some haters out there, but most people enjoy watching it. And since YouTube has been around, what’s more fun that watching funny clips from the show?

Well, recently my wife and I had the opportunity to attend the taping of two shows in Tyler Perry’s studios in Atlanta, GA. It was fun, I must admit – lots of fun. I’d even encourage you to attend a taping just once for no other reason than the experience.

But once the recording of the shows began, it became very clear how much editing must take place before an episode can be aired on syndicated television. Without a bunch of editing, the “family” version of Family Feud would have to receive an adult/parental-guidance-suggested rating.

Now, most people would not be shocked to hear that Steve Harvey, the host of the show, has the tendency to use adult language. However, even though blooper reels have hinted at language used off camera, the reality is that Mr. Harvey is a potty mouth.

For instance, you may have seen how that everyone always says, “Good answer!” whenever a family member gives any kind of answer to a question. They do this because they are supposed to. They do this even when they know the answer was not a good one. But in one case the answer was so bad, even Steve Harvey had to comment to the audience.

Mr. Harvey walked away from the family and toward the edge of the stage, faced the audience, then said, “I wish you could have seen the looks on your faces…it was like, ‘What the h***?'” He then agreed with the audience that the answer was a horrible one, but then stated that “there is no f****** way that sh** will be on the board!”

That was pretty much the pattern. Whenever things got slow, or whenever something crazy was said, Harvey would walk past a line on the stage and engage the audience, often with vulgar language. It started to feel uncomfortable.

Of course, it wasn’t only Steve Harvey; the family members on stage had their moments, too. Some answers and some things talked about will NEVER be put on family television.

However, it was not just the language and the inuendo so prevalent that evening that caused me the greatest concern. To be honest, I kinda expected it. No, what was most disturbing was the final few moments of the evening when Steve Harvey spoke to the audience.

Harvey has a huge, huge following. Many people watch and listen to him and are influenced by his advice (which isn’t all bad). And if there is one thing about him that I admire, it’s his boldness to talk about his faith in God. I mean, that night was not the time to be an atheist, not unless you wanted to be called out as an idiot by the TV host.

However, even though Mr. Harvey was quick to point out things like he was nothing without God; his efforts at evangelism missed a huge mark: that Jesus is the ONLY way to God. As a matter of fact, at one point, even though Harvey was adamant one needs to believe in God, he stated it really didn’t matter who your god was, as long as you believed…. because FAITH is what’s important.

So, then, what you have is a foul-mouthed false teacher, really. Sad, especially considering the influence Steve Harvey has.


Filed under Faith, General Observations, Theology

What Does the Bible REALLY Say About Homosexuality (video series)

Good morning, good afternoon, and good evening! That’s how I start all the videos I post on my YouTube channel called “Edify!”. The same to you!

All this week I have been uploading videos addressing the question of homosexuality, specifically the question: What does the Bible really say about homosexuality?

Now, all five videos in the series are based on a single sermon I delivered a couple of years ago. Actually, they are 95% verbatim. But, since the videos are short, the subject matter is barely unpacked, only highlighted, at best.

Regardless, there are some key points made and seed for future discussion planted.

I’d love to hear your feedback, if you care to leave it. Comment on the videos or comment here on the blog. I’d appreciate it.

God bless!


Filed under Bible Study

10 Reasons and 10 Videos why Jesus Is Better than Santa Claus!

Hello, everyone! It’s been a while since I’ve been in touch (I tend to like these long breaks, it seems).

However, I am making an HUGE effort to bring you guys up to date with links to ALL my videos from a recent series on YouTube.

If you remember, I mentioned a while back that I was going to take older posts and convert them into videos for my new Edify! channel on YouTube. I did that, but it didn’t work as well as I initially thought it would.

So, what I did this time was take a sermon outline and turn it into a whole series: 10 Reasons Why Jesus Is Better than Santa.

Funny thing, I have gotten VERY LITTLE response on YouTube, but a lot from viewers on TikTok. Therefore, if you would be so kind, would you check out these videos on YouTube and let me know what you think? It would be great if all my subscribers to this blog would subscribe to my channel! I might even get monetized 🙂


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Fruitless YouTube?

Hello, Friends!

Today, I am going to share with you a video that I have posted on both YouTube and TikTok. I’ve been posting videos on both platforms for a couple of weeks, but TikTok is out performing YouTube by leaps and bounds.

Now, I understand that TikTok is geared toward getting more views. But I don’t understand why I’m getting so few views on YouTube.

Is it just the subject matter? Because my pitifully amateur watch review channel is doing MUCH better.

Anyway, here’s my latest video. I’d appreciate your feedback.

From my YouTube channel called “Edify!”

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YouTubing Older Posts

Good evening, everyone! I thought I would take a moment to share with you what I’m about to do.

As some of you may already know, I started a new YouTube channel called Edify!. Yes, that’s with an explanation point because there is another channel out there by the same name without one.

The goal of the channel is to upload videos every day of the week (which is a rather monumental task when one works a full-time job). They are less than 10 minutes long so they can also be posted to TikTok on the same days as YouTube.

Honestly, since I am not regularly preaching anywhere these days, this is a good outlet for me. I guess what I do in these videos is teach more than preach, but you will catch me on a soap box once in a while.

But since preparing new material for 5 times a week can be challenging, it should not surprise you that some of what I am going to be sharing on video are older posts I wrote for this blog. Why not? All I have to do is tweak them a little, add them to the teleprompter software, and then presto! A video!

One of the first post-to-videos I do will be on my “pre-salvation testimony.” For that matter, next week’s theme will be about having a personal testimony, a story to tell.

If you haven’t already visited my new channel, I’d really appreciate it if you would. And, if you have any suggestions on how I could make the channel better, please let me know.

October 20th Video

God bless you all!


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Filed under Bible Study, current events, Preaching

The Edify Channel

I haven’t been doing much writing, but I have been doing video. Here is the last one I posted on my new channel.

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A New YouTube Channel

Hello, friends.

It’s been nearly 2 months since I last updated you about anything, and for that I apologize. However, today I want to introduce you to my new YouTube channel, Edify.

Below is a link to my latest episode (for Sept. 22). I hope you like what I’m doing.

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Filed under Christian Maturity

At Least VWs are Getting Built!

As I begin to write this, I am looking up to where it says, “Add title.” But I’m not sure what it should be. I am going to have to wait till I write a little more, I guess.

Two things have brought me back to the old keyboard: my new friend’s question and my questioning of what’s next.

My New Friend’s Question

If you read my last post, you’ll know who I’m talking about. There’s a sharp young man where I work with whom I’ve had some conversations. It was he who, while standing beside me in the “micro market,” asked, “Are you OK?”

Now, it doesn’t happen very often, as you probably well know – someone actually asking if you’re OK. I mean, it’s totally common to have people casually ask how you’re doing and not really expect an honest answer. And they shouldn’t expect it, either.

You and I do the same thing, don’t we? In passing, like an amplified “hello,” we ask, “How’re you?” without really wanting to receive a detailed response. All we expect is an obligatory, “I’m fine, how are you?” To which we always intend to say, “Fine.”

But this morning was a little different. My new friend asked if I was OK. He actually wanted to know! How strange! In a place with 5,000 people on any given day just trying to make it through their shift, here you have a guy who actually cared! So how did I respond?

Well, I don’t remember my exact words (his were more memorable), but I said something like, “I’m not that great.”

That’s when he told me he had noticed my lack of on-line activity (writing here, that is). So, here I am.

Questioning What’s Next

That brings me to the second of the two reasons I am writing this: I don’t know what’s next!

Here’s the thing, folks… I’m worn out. I’m tired. Primarily physically, but also emotionally. Everything from my new job (the main reason) to uncontrollable events, all have drained me so much that I have nothing to squeeze out. It’s literally taking reserve energy to type this.

If you want to know how bad things are, consider this: I am probably (90% sure) going to back away from the whole watch thing. Why? Well, for several reasons:

  • I’m too tired to make videos. It would help to have a dedicated, undisturbed studio, but I don’t, and everything has to be set up fresh each time I record. Then comes all the editing.
  • It takes time and money, neither of which I have much extra.
  • Even though I enjoy new watches, my last new one sucked the wind out of my sails when it exposed that I really didn’t want what I thought I wanted as the ultimate watch.
  • The economic suffering my friends in Pakistan are enduring made thinking of a luxury watch feel sickening.

So, if not watches, what? Back to painting? I wish – and hope! But again, with no dedicated place to set things up and leave them, it takes too much energy out of me to even get started.

And then there’s that whole “energy” thing. Did I mention that I worn out, tired, exhausted?

I don’t even want to study, which is the most tragic thing of all. Even though I have the opportunity to schedule speaking engagements, the thought of picking up a phone tires me, not to mention the mental fatigue that accompanies preparation.

Lastly, because this is already too long, I’m spiritually drained and feel like I can’t refill. My faith is under attack from several fronts and the battles are taking their toll. I’m not losing my faith, per say, but I do find myself wondering if I’m fighting the right battles.

If I could get more sleep, I would. But that’s a subject of its own.

But I’ll tell you this, at least some dadgum Volkswagen Atlas SUVs are getting built!


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You Won’t Offend Me

A New Friend

I had a couple of good conversations with a new friend this week. It all started with me being bored out of my mind and trying not to fall asleep at work. Having worked with him a little before, and sort of expecting a little of what was to come, I decided to walk over to where I saw him standing and ask him a very, VERY open-ended question.

To paraphrase, I asked, “So, tell me something philosophical.” It was like opening a faucet, LOL! What I was not expecting was the volume of conversation. Obviously, I struck a nerve!

A Second Conversation

So, it was the next day – in the only down time I had (coincidence?) – that this young man walked over to me and started a conversation. If nothing else, he would have made my day by the way he started . . . “Based on yesterday’s conversation, I’m assuming you’re a Christian?” Let me tell you, that alone was a shot in the arm that I needed that very moment!

It was too fast-paced and in-depth to recount what was talked about, but there was one thing my new friend said that made me smile. He prefaced a statement he was about to make with, “I don’t want to offend you…

You Won’t Offend Me, Honestly

It’s not the first time I’ve been told that. Actually, it was just a couple of months ago that an older man who hired on the same time as I did asked what I had done for a living before coming to work at Volkswagen. When I answered that I had been a full-time pastor, he immediately returned with, “Well, I don’t want to offend you, but I don’t believe what you believe.

How is this supposed to offend me? Why would I be offended by someone telling me he doesn’t believe the same things as me? It’s possibly because when he’s mentioned it to other believers they’ve gasped with indignation and shock. Sort of like, “Whaaat? How is that possible? You must be a bad, bad person!

But seriously, it doesn’t offend me when someone tells me he doesn’t believe what I believe. All it does it open the door for the kind of conversation I live for!

Beware the Crack

So, to all my new and old friends out there, “offend” away! Go ahead, tell me what you believe that differs from what I believe. Seriously, I’d love to hear it! All I ask is that YOU return the favor and not get offended when I ask you questions about how you came to your conclusion.

Let me give you a little advice, however. If you want to continue being an atheist or agnostic, or whatever it is that leads you to believe I might be offended by your words, beware of the cracks that may develop in your philosophical foundation. As soon as you begin to open up to honest conversation, you risk hearing a perspective that might change YOUR mind. You risk developing a crack of doubt in your own presuppositional opinions, a crack that may allow a tiny seed of faith to sneak in and take root.

So, no, you won’t offend me; you will encourage me! All you can do is convince me that I’m in the right place at the right time, just as God ordained.

The thing about foundation cracks is that they rarely close back up; they just go deeper and wider.

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Filed under Apologetics, Christianity, Faith, Witnessing