Tag Archives: Justice

Jesus Paid It All and You Really Don’t Want to Pay Your Own Way (Part Three)

Welcome to another installment of “Wally Wednesdays”! 

A guest post by Wally Fry

jesus saves

Off to Jail!

Last time we talked about God as a judge. What if we tried some of the things in an earthly courtroom we try with God?

“Judge, it wasn’t really a big robbery. I didn’t even use a gun! And I only got a little bit of money anyway.”

The law says the penalty for armed robbery is imprisonment, no exceptions. “Off to jail!” says the judge. God likewise does not care about the size of our sin. God is perfect and Holy, remember? A small sin makes us just as guilty as a big on in they eyes of a perfect God. James 2:10 teaches us that a man can keep the whole law and yet offends in one point is still guilty of violation the entire law.

“Judge, I may have committed that robbery, but I never killed anybody!”

The law says the penalty for armed robbery is imprisonment, no exceptions. “Off to jail!” says the judge. God is not going to look at all the things we could have done, but did not do. Once again, a violation of the law is a violation of the law.

“Judge, I may have committed that robbery, but did you know I have been working down at the food kitchen helping the homeless for years? What about all the money I gave to charity?”

The law says the penalty for armed robbery is imprisonment, no exceptions. “Off to jail!” says the judge. No matter how many good things we may do, they do not make up for our violation of God’s law. We cannot cover our penalty due by doing anything good.

“Judge, look what THAT guy has done!”

The law says the penalty for armed robbery is imprisonment, no exceptions. “Off to jail!” says the judge. God is not comparing us to each other to decide our innocence of guilt. He only compares us the the standard of His perfection and Holiness. It only matters what we have done, not what anyone else has done.

“Judge, I’m really, really sorry for committing the armed robbery.”

The law says the penalty for armed robbery is imprisonment, no exceptions. “Off to jail!” says the judge. The idea that we could tell a judge we are sorry and expect to be released is really absurd. The law says what the penalty is, and the penalty must be paid. Why would God be any different?

Coming up next Wednesday…part 4 (the conclusion)



Filed under salvation

BREAKING: My Immediate Response to the FBI Announcement Regarding Clinton Emails

If You Care

First, I don’t know if you care what I think, or not. Honestly, you are probably going to think and believe whatever you think and believe right now, regardless of what I say. Nevertheless, I have a blog, therefore I will speak my mind.

Secondly, I don’t know if you care about what the director of the FBI just said about the presumptive presidential candidate for the Democrat Party, Hillary R. Clinton. Regardless, this is my cyber-pulpit, so I’m going to speak.

Thirdly, I don’t know if you care one drop of spit for what goes on in our legal system. For all I know, you trust the justice departments, both locally and nationally, implicitly. Maybe you don’t trust any government or authority figure at all. That doesn’t matter today – I’m going to give you my two, small, worthless cents.

If you care, keep reading.

Faith and Trust

Folks, it all comes down to trust. Can you trust your legal system, your representatives, your congressmen and senators? Can you trust the policeman on the corner, the judge ruling on a case, or the word of the one who says, “Don’t worry, I have your back”?

Trust was the issue in the following verses. Actually, you can take it even farther and say that FAITH is the issue. God has set the standard for government and law enforcement.

Lev 19:36 – Just balances, just weights, a just ephah, and a just hin, shall ye have: I [am] the LORD your God, which brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Deu 25:13 – Thou shalt not have in thy bag divers weights, a great and a small.
Pro 16:11 – A just weight and balance [are] the LORD’S: all the weights of the bag [are] his work.
Pro 20:10 – Divers weights, [and] divers measures, both of them [are] alike abomination to the LORD.

Should the language of the old King James be too difficult for you to understand, maybe the following from the New Living Translation (NLT) will make is simple.

Lev 19:36 NLT – Your scales and weights must be accurate. Your containers for measuring dry materials or liquids must be accurate. I am the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt.
Deu 25:16 NLT – All who cheat with dishonest weights and measures are detestable to the LORD your God.
Pro 16:11 NLT – The LORD demands accurate scales and balances; he sets the standards for fairness.
Pro 20:10 NLT – False weights and unequal measures–the LORD detests double standards of every kind.

Did you get the last part of the last verse in the NLT? It says, “the LORD detests double standards of every kind.” In other words, it is an “abomination” when people can’t count on recognized standards to be consistent.

From our United States Constitution:

Article IV, Section 1:

Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.

So here’s the problem presented in a question:

How can the government be trusted on any level when at the very top it’s leaders are not held to the same standards as their fellow citizens, the ones they are supposed to represent?

The answer is simple: They can’t. And why was this such a big deal with God? Because He is the Righteous Judge, and all institutions acting under His authority should reflect His character – the LORD does NOT approve of weighted scales.

valueSince the 1990’s the American people have witnessed the Clinton’s Teflon-like machine avoid judgment for anything. Did they do all the things they’ve been accused of doing? Who knows? All we people really know is that in the last week all the people involved in the current scandal have given off the appearance that something very weighty was placed on one side of the scales of Justice. From Jessica Flowers to Monica Lewinsky; from cattle futures to emails: the weights in the bag are always changing (Deut. 25:13).

So, whether the DOJ, the FBI, the White House, or the State Department are telling the truth, or not, there’s no way to know, because the scales and balances have been questioned for so long! Just consider the fact that General David Petraeus, former head of the CIA, was forced to step down in disgrace, and all he was charged with was “mishandling classified information.” What did the Director of the FBI say of Mrs. Clinton in today’s briefing?

“To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances (i.e., if someone else were being weighed on these scales), a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions.”  – FBI Director James B. Comey (click here for link to full statement)

But that is not what we are deciding now,” he said. No, the decision on whether or not to prosecute, or even slap a wrist, is going to be left up to the lead prosecutor in the country, Loretta Lynch, who just last week had a lengthy, private conversation with former President Bill Clinton on her airplane. And they only talked about their grandchildren. Of course.

If Justice was truly blind…if we are supposed to place our “full faith and credit” in a government which is “of the people, by the people, and for the people”… then maybe THIS circumstance should be treated the same as all other “similar circumstances.” If that would happen, maybe, just maybe, faith and trust wouldn’t be in such short supply.

The LORD ain’t the only one who hates double standards.


Filed under abuse, America, current events, General Observations

Riots from a Biblical Perspective

Just this morning I read a tweet from the ACLU that declared “Black Spring has begun.” At a time when racial tensions are high, why foment them even more? Why encourage it?

Most of the reporting going on these days has nothing to do with journalism; it’s more about stirring up a story for ratings. A combination of manufactured stories, lawless “thugs” looking for any opportunity destroy, and a news media constantly driven to push “breaking news” have contributed to an overall spirit of bitterness and hate.

On the urging of certain race baiters and hate merchants who blasphemously wear the title of “Reverend,” youth have been running the streets, misinformed, angry, and burning down their own neighborhoods. And they think this is supposed to help?

Romans 12 and 13 have a lot to say to what has been going on in Baltimore and all the other cities where riots have been going on. Romans 13:10 is especially noteworthy…

“Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love [is] the fulfilling of the law.”

Think about that verse. Meditate on it. Love doesn’t steal from its neighbor. Love doesn’t burn its neighbor’s store down. Love does not drag his neighbor out into the street and beat him to death. Love does not pour lighter fluid on his neighbor and try to light him on fire. Love does not smash his neighbor’s cars. Love does not threaten and curse his neighbor’s race. Love does not destroy his neighbor’s hometown.

“No justice, no peace!” has been the rallying cry of so many. But what is justice? Is is not the fulfilling of the law? How, then, can hate-filled destruction aimed at innocents neighbors bring justice? “Love” is the fulfilling of the law.

Racism may always be with us to some degree, but those who must continually stir it up and continue it will one day stand before a Holy God and give an account.

What would Jesus do? What should Christians do? One thing is for certain, had the truly innocent Jesus been falsely accused and crucified today, and if Al Sharpton was in charge, then Jerusalem would be burned to to the ground quicker than a match could light. Sounds wrong, doesn’t it? Because it is.


Sunday evening I decided to record a sermon which expounded on Romans chapter 13. In the light of what is going on in my country, as I read God’s Word and compared it to what is going on in our nation, I became more and more indignant. No one was in the sanctuary when I spoke, so no one was there to hear what I said. But I did record it, and I am not ashamed to share it with the world.

This country needs to hear about things from God’s perspective.


Click on the Picture




Filed under America, Christian Unity, current events, Life Lessons, Preaching

Ferguson Justice

It seems to me that the only “justice” the rioters, the looters, the lawless, the race-baiters, and the opportunistic politicians in Ferguson, Missouri will accept is the public execution of a white man.

Evidently, the public execution of a Jew wasn’t good enough.


"Father, Forgive" by Gustave Doré

“Father, Forgive” by Gustave Doré


Would somebody please remind the “Reverends”?


Filed under America, Christian Maturity, Culture Wars, current events, General Observations, places, politics