Share a Post for Christmas

Gift Ideas

Every year I’m asked for a list of things I would like to have for Christmas. Each time I respond with: “I have no idea.” But when it comes to writing and blogging, I know EXACTLY what I want! And what’s more, it’s something EVERY blogger would enjoy!

photo (74)Share a favorite post with others on your blog and/or social media!

It cost’s nothing, and all you’d need to do is wrap it in syrupilly-sweet words of praise as you ask others to check out the post of the year…or at least one of your favorites 😉

The Challenge

So, this is the challenge AND the request:

Share (a post), and share a “like.” 

This is time of year when many bloggers see lower-than-normal visits to their sites. Why not take just a moment and share some posts you’ve liked with others? By doing so you will help some blogs keep up their views (“hits”) and maybe even gain a few new followers.

Then, the next time you read a decent blog post, take just an extra second and “like” it. Even better, why not leave a comment? Sometimes a nice comment could mean the difference between a bad day and a great day – you just never know the power of an encouraging word.

Now, if you do have access to a P-51 Mustang I could ride in, or if you want to treat me to an expensive steak dinner, then who am I to refuse? But if you can’t, a simple “like” and share will make my day!

Sharing is caring :-)

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Filed under blogging

10 responses to “Share a Post for Christmas

  1. Reblogged this on My Heart is for Israel and commented:
    This is a great idea…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am headed your way….where can I land the Mustang?

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is great! Super idea! (The share, I mean, not the Mustang, although Bob really likes them.)

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cool idea, though I do like posts after reading, but I haven’t share, but I will start to share…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The Isaiah 53:5 Project

    Good idea. I haven’t been around the blogosphere much lately but I should have time for this.

    Liked by 1 person

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